Short Courses

Certificate in Prosecutorial and Investigative Sciences
ISDES is proud to introduce Certificate Program in Prosecutorial and Investigative Sciences, starting in 2021. Enrolees are encouraged to apply early due to limited space, due again to the Clinical nature of the training.

Agriculture and Food security
Agriculture and food security give meaning to national security protection and health.

Strategic National Security Planning
Persons involved in the criminal justice system, police, security and other security agencies, prisons, law, judiciary as well as sociologist, psychologist and persons engaged in counselling need to appreciate the complexities involved in crime and punishment.

Crime and Punishment
Strengthening leadership in national security definition and evaluation, identifying the nexus between diplomacy and foreign affairs, regional security and national security, risk assessment, vis-à-vis civil rights in national protection and strategic national security is important to a safe ecosystem for development.

Disaster Risk Reduction
Universities, Churches, private and public institutions, security forces, elementary and secondary schools, malls & shopping centres, banks and other financial institutions such as insurance, large businesses including factories, and hotels all need to understand the multitude of issues that affect safety, disaster and emergencies as well as evacuation.

Municipal Security
Understanding crime and crime analysis, crime scene investigation, business and environmental crime, violence and organized crime as well as cyber crimes and identity theft crimes helps to ensure and promote good public health and civil rights.

Hospital & Institutional Emergency Preparedness
The rise in existential threat posed by humans as well as the increase in the outbreak of health threats such as Cholera and Ebola, call for health facility emergency planning and preparedness as well as the training and readiness of facilities’ personnel.